Yes, a blank slate. Kind of like my home state of New Hampshire. "New Hampshire? Isn't that between Vermont(rolling green hills and cows) and Maine (rocky coastline and lobsters)?"
Anyway, thanks to Diana's ability to paint a picture with words in a simple post to on online travel forum, Jay and I made out first trip to Piedmont to stay at the Baur B&B in Acqui Terme. I could go on and on about all the amenities, but all one has to do is read the reviews in Trip Advisor...its all true. So let me emphasize these two points. Diana's ability to make you feel relaxed and at home, even though you just arrived in a foreign country without any sleep or luggage. And what's in it for the guys? Micha is a font of knowledge, not just of wine, but of...sports. One of my happy moments was sitting on the terrace with a glass of local wine & cheese and fresh fruit, taking in the view of the piedmont hills on a long summer night...and in the background, I can hear Jay and Micha talking about the Celtics and Jo Jo White. I doesn't get any more "at home" than that.
Anyway, Jay and I did some photographs for them during our stay, here are a few:
This is my favorite of Diana and Micha. The best photographs are the moments captured in an instant. A more personal portrait

This is the "professional" portrait that says welcome to our Inn...

And this is how I will remember Max. Ever hopeful and ready to play with a couple of guests who are allergic to dogs...

My husband and I spent our honeymoon at Baur B&B and you captured its spirit so well--and that first picture has me a little verklempt. :-)
Please post more shots!!!
(elizabeth of Elizabeth and Michael)
Grazie, cara, it is this kind of moment, like we shared with you ( and the above commenting couple, who are also known as " our kids ") which makes what WE do so worthwhile and satisfying. I got you hooked up on my blog, and just posted our portrait on my blog. It makes me verklempt too!! :) lots of love.
Beautiful photos.
I so look forward to visiting Baur B&B.
Thank you so much Diana. It seems that we have something in common as innkeepers,wedding,and portrait photographers. People come in to our lives as strangers. We share special days with them. Then our lives become intertwined via photographs and memories. We are very lucky for that.
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