Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Phillies and Red Sox in World Series!

OK, it would have been great, but Tricia and Mark will have something else to celebrate on November 1st...their wedding! Let's hope the Phillies can pull it off, for Mark's sake....

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Seaside wedding in Guilford, Connecticut

Its always a thrill to discover a beautiful new place, not so very far from where you live. I've lived in New England all my life, but never had been to Guilford, Connecticut. Not only is it visually charming, but its the kind of place where you could procure, depending on your mood, either a cappucino and a croissant or a regular coffee and a jelly donut. And they'd both be really good. No starbucks and dunkin donuts on this main street. But I digress.

When I saw this dress on the hanger, I knew it would be a good day...

Shannon, before we arrived at the ceremony site...

What a beautiful location for the ceremony at Garrett's family's home, and the weather was perfect...

A few images of the romantic couple, just moments after they were married...

Monday, October 06, 2008

Man on Wire

Last night I saw the film, Man on Wire about the french artist Phillipe Petit and his daring, amazing, unfathomable and beautiful walk between the Twin Towers in 1974. I first became aware of this event after reading a compelling story about it in The New Yorker in 1987, and I have carried it around in my head, marveling on it thoughout the years. What he did in the name of self expression was extraordinary. I highly recommend this film.